We work throughout Lithuania!

Established in 2000, UAB “Geoconsulting” is a private limited company that, since 2014, has primarily focused on conducting geological engineering and geotechnical investigations.

Our clients and projects:

With extensive experience in both the public and private sectors, our highly qualified team ensures the delivery of top-notch service to our clients. Year over year, our client base continues to grow.

Throughout its years of operation, the company has successfully executed a diverse portfolio of projects, both large and small in scale. Our team has contributed to significant projects, including the landscaping of Gediminas Castle Hill slopes, the reconstruction of Klaipėda harbor quays, and the development of territories for free economic zones in Klaipėda, Kaunas, and Akmenė.

We kindly invite you to explore cooperation opportunities with us!


Geological engineering investigations

They are a critical component in the design of building foundations and structures. These surveys reveal a range of natural and human-induced processes and phenomena that could impact structural stability. The scope and depth of these investigations vary based on the site’s natural complexity and the characteristics of the proposed construction.

Investigations of foundations for houses undergoing restoration and renovation

Buildings set for renovation frequently exhibit issues like cracked and leaning walls. Conducting engineering geological surveys before starting renovations is recommended. These investigations help measure the technogenic soil layer’s thickness, evaluate the condition of the building’s foundations (through excavation), and assess the foundation base’s strength properties.

Compaction control tests

Conducted on railway tracks, roads, parking areas, and embankments, these tests assess the densification quality of compacted soil. They identify areas of poor and good compaction and measure densification metrics.

Preliminary ecogeological studies

These tests detect chemical pollutants in soil and groundwater. Upon finding contamination, the study establishes a preliminary contamination zone within the area examined.


Visoje lietuvoje


Geologiniai tyrimai tyrinėja Žemės sandarą, mineralus, uolienas, fosilijas, tektoniką, vulkanizmą, paleoklimatus, ir vandens išteklius.


Please fill in the form below and we will contact you shortly.

Inžineriniai Geologiniai Tyrimai

UAB “Geoconsulting” įmonėje dirbantys patyrę specialistai teikia šias inžinerinių geologinių tyrimų paslaugas:

Neatsiejama statinių pamatų projektavimo ir jų įrengimo dalis. Atliekant inžinerinius geologinius tyrimus – nustatomi įvairūs gamtiniai ir antropogeniniai procesai bei reiškiniai, kurie gali turėti įtakos pastatų pastovumui. 


We always try to find the best solutions for everyone, and to answer your questions as clearly and in detail as possible.

The precise cost of services is determined on a case-by-case basis, varying according to the site’s location and the number of points to be researched. For an accurate quote, please forward us an inquiry including the name and location of the intended construction. We’ll provide you with a detailed cost estimate within one working day.

Indeed, conducting a high-quality soil survey can substantially lower foundation installation expenses. On average, foundation costs can be decreased by as much as 20%. This reduction not only saves builders a considerable sum but also ensures assurance in the foundation’s quality.

Starting in 2022, conducting geological surveys for the design of individual single-family or semi-detached homes is no longer a compulsory requirement. The decision to undertake such investigations is left to the discretion of the builder/developer and the building’s designer. Nevertheless, selecting the appropriate foundation depth, informed by the quality of a geological survey, can lead to substantial savings on foundation costs. Additionally, choosing the right foundation depth is crucial for preventing future issues such as foundation settlement and wall cracking.

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